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Study Programme

Bachelor Programme S1 Management Selengkapnya
Master Programme S2 Management Selengkapnya
Doctorate Programme S3 Management Selengkapnya
Professor 50
Alumni 1500
active students 500

Dean's Foreword

We give thanks to the presence of Almighty God because by His Grace and Grace we can provide the latest information about the Master of Management Study Program regarding human resources, infrastructure, education, research, academics, and student activities as well as relations with alumni.

The Master of Management study program was established in 2002 with a concentration in Human Resources Management, Financial Management, Marketing Management. Students accepted into this Study Program go through Independent selection from UNRI (PMB). The curriculum used always follows developments in science and technology and industry. Master of Management UNRI always continues to improve itself, sharpens its vision and mission, in an effort to answer the needs of the community regarding educational services.

We are happy to open up the opportunity for you to join us and become part of the big S-2 Management family. Finally, as head of the Study Program, I would like to express my highest thanks and appreciation to all parties who have helped develop this Study Program. Hopefully this effort will provide many benefits for the progress of humanity.

Wassalaamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Dr. Yulia Efni, SE., ME
Master of Management Coordinator – FEB UNRI

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